S. No. | Title and Authors Name |
1 |
Lateral column lengthening using Z osteotomy of calcaneus for adolescents with symptomatic flexible flat foot
Emad Sanad Hussein Elsayed, Mohammed Osama Hegazy, Mahmoud Khairy Zaghloul and Mohamed Ahmed Abd Elbaky
Int. J. Orthop. Traumatol., 2025; 7(1): 01-07
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Management of distal femoral type 33A fractures: Minimally invasive percutaneous osteosynthesis versus intramedullary fixation
Gamal Ahmed Hosny, Abdel-Salam Abdelaleem Ahmed, Osama Alkotb Albially and Mohamed Ahmed Abdelbaky
Int. J. Orthop. Traumatol., 2025; 7(1): 08-11
3 |
Ankle syndesmotic injury repair with tightrope versus syndesmotic screw fixation
Ahmad Mohammad Kamal, Hassan Hussain Ahmad, Mohammed Anter Meselhy and Adel Samy El Hammady
Int. J. Orthop. Traumatol., 2025; 7(1): 12-19
4 |
Comparison of functional and radiological outcome of Joshi’s external stabilization system versus volar locking compression plate in displaced distal end radius fracture
Sagar Sharma, Nagendra Patel, Anoop Singh Bagri and Hiren Chauhan
Int. J. Orthop. Traumatol., 2025; 7(1): 20-23